YEAR ZERO (The Colony Theatre)

"Corpuz is riveting as Ra..."
"Ra's emotional rollercoaster is beautifully done by Christine and accentuates the choices she must make." -Asians on Film
"Corpuz captures the sweetness and determination of a young woman trying desperately to do right by everybody... Subtle and engrossing!" -Backstage West
"Christine Corpuz... does even more powerful work here as Ra, and never more so than when she finally lets down the guard she’s put up against learning about her mother’s past and begs for the truth... Superb! Powerful performances! Entirely winning!" -StageSceneLA
"Ra's emotional rollercoaster is beautifully done by Christine and accentuates the choices she must make." -Asians on Film
"Corpuz captures the sweetness and determination of a young woman trying desperately to do right by everybody... Subtle and engrossing!" -Backstage West
"Christine Corpuz... does even more powerful work here as Ra, and never more so than when she finally lets down the guard she’s put up against learning about her mother’s past and begs for the truth... Superb! Powerful performances! Entirely winning!" -StageSceneLA
MYSTERIOUS SKIN (East West Players)

"Ms. Corpuz, is as flawless an actor as they come. Seamlessly stringing together four varying characters with depth and purpose."
- LA Theatre
"Christine Corpuz as (Wendy) is smart, outspoken and completely supportive of Neil and is equally terrific playing three other roles."
- Los Angeles Broadwayworld
"Corpuz plays four characters, most importantly Brian’s loving,concerned Mom and Neil’s loving, concerned best friend, and differentiates so clearly between them, making them seem (among other things) decades apart in age, that it was not until intermission that I realized they were being played by the same actress." -Stage Scene LA
- LA Theatre
"Christine Corpuz as (Wendy) is smart, outspoken and completely supportive of Neil and is equally terrific playing three other roles."
- Los Angeles Broadwayworld
"Corpuz plays four characters, most importantly Brian’s loving,concerned Mom and Neil’s loving, concerned best friend, and differentiates so clearly between them, making them seem (among other things) decades apart in age, that it was not until intermission that I realized they were being played by the same actress." -Stage Scene LA
I AM NOTHING LIKE MY MOTHER (The Nuyorican/ Whitefire Theatre)

"The range of emotions this gifted young actress can summon is formidable...
Ms. Corpuz deftly transforms herself into a variety of characters who proceed to tell their stories, some poignant, others comic... she became a delight to watch, with unmistakable talent. See this show to become acquainted with a fine new actress. Get to know Ms. Corpuz (and her mom) now, since I have no doubt we will see her gracing New York stages for years to come."
-William Coyle,
"Corpuz plays Mom telling stories about her daughter with engaging, bright charm, and a thick Filipina accent... Corpuz shines by finding humor and strength without succumbing to narcissism or mawkishness."
-Kyle Moore, The Tolucan Times
"(I Am Nothing Like My Mother) gives new fans a chance to reflect on their own relationships with their immigrant parents. While her show certainly serves as food for thought for her audience, perhaps the greater pleasure is watching Corpuz's own catharsis."
-Ed Mallillin,
WISH WE WERE HERE (NY Int'l Fringe Festival)

“Wish We Were Here benefits from Corpuz's crack-the-whip acting. It's not that she's a meanie genie, but she does drive the narrative its distance, making good use of the stylishness and wit inherent in the script.”
–Leonard Jacobs,
“Christine Corpuz gives a delicious comic performance in this light-hearted comedy, portraying a tough, smart, sexy genie that leaves Barbara Eden's '60s sitcom bimbo/siren in her dust.”
–Martin Denton,
“Corpuz and Phillis are a comedy team of the first order- his attempts to gain control of the genie and her witty manipulations make for a winning hour in the theater.”
–Connecticut Post
SAVE THE WORLD (Roundtable Ensemble)

"The show is not without a few bright spots. Christine Corpuz is both luminous and lovely as the endearingly insecure Quake."
-Tom Fay, Show BusinessWeekly
"The energetic and innocent Quake (Christine Corpuz) gives the audience a hero to really root for... Ms. Corpuz gives a faultless performance."
-Shaun Manning,Comic Book Resources News
"...all the cast members render their characters with great humanity. These are morally conflicted people trying to do good or trying to live up to their potential, but failing in a big way. Christine Corpuz, who plays the uncertain Quake, brings this struggle to life very well." -Mitch Montgomery,
-Tom Fay, Show BusinessWeekly
"The energetic and innocent Quake (Christine Corpuz) gives the audience a hero to really root for... Ms. Corpuz gives a faultless performance."
-Shaun Manning,Comic Book Resources News
"...all the cast members render their characters with great humanity. These are morally conflicted people trying to do good or trying to live up to their potential, but failing in a big way. Christine Corpuz, who plays the uncertain Quake, brings this struggle to life very well." -Mitch Montgomery,